For any interview, the first thing to prepare is the resume. It creates an impression about you even before meeting you. Make it look neat, short and crisp. Do not leave the achievements column blank. Write a brief overview about your previous projects. Do not boast, but make diplomatic statements that will show that you are capable.
Next would be your appearance. Neatly pressed formal clothes would be mandatory for an interview. Be confident when you approach the interviewer. Never show your nervousness out. Be very honest when you answer the questions. Always be ready to say “I am not aware of this” when you don’t know something (But not for all the questions ofcourse! :)). Never give wrong answers. Listen carefully and understand the questions. Prepare well to talk all about your project and your role that you have stated in your resume. Do not say anything negative about your current employer. Be very clear with your concepts and never mess up with that.
Thank you Roxy for your support.